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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Roop Meung LP Kasem Khemako, Wat Susantrilak, Lamang, BE 2517

Batch: Lun Far Lan
Made by: LP Kasem Khemako, Wat Susantrilak
Wat Plub Plaa 
Year: 2517
Material: Holy Powder (Nur Phong)
Purpose: Great for Luck, Protection.
Conditon: Good with plastic casing:
Qty: 1 piece only
Status: For Sharing Only

History of this batch: 

Nurphong Roop Meung BE 2517 of Luang Pu Kasem, Wat Susantrilak made and chanted in BE 2517 and donated to Wat Plub Plaa of Nontaburi. 

The abbot of Wat Plub Plaa requested LP Kasem to help with the building of main shrine and LP Kasem agreed to consecrate 3 sacred items (this is one of them) meant to be fundraisers

Preparation of this batch of amulets began in Wat Plub Plaa on 20th August BE 2517 which is to be an auspicious day chosen by LP Kasem; 5th September BE 2517 at 1939hrs to be the time to execute the consecration which LP Kasem sit in overnight meditation for the blessing (LP Kasem is known to able to stay be in a samadhi state for 100 days without food). Materials for this batch are sacred powders made with LP Kasem's recipe and the mixture of 7 holy soils from cemeteries where LP practiced meditation during his Tudong days.

A miracle happened during this consecration, several thunder strikes were observed when LP started the consecration which meant to be an auspicious sign that it is an holy batch can overcome the worst situations. The most amazing part is the people at Lamphang also witnessed these thunder strikes! (Nonthaburi and Lamphang are abt 900km apart) Thus, the natives in Lamphang named this batch as 'Lun Far Lan' as of this phenomenon. This batch was then officially let rent on 9th September BE 2517 and the funds collected were used to build the main shrine for Wat Plub Plaa and thus a meaningful batch with great baramee from LP Kasem.

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