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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Phra Kruba Boonchum Yannasangvaro, Wat Thong Nen (Chiang Rai)

Kruba BoonChum was born in year BE2508 of Jan 5 at Mooban Maekamnongbua Tambon maekam Ampur Maejun, Chiang Rai. He is a forest meditation monk, well known since the age of thirteen to a great numbers of devotees in Laos, Sipsongbanna of Yunnan Province in China, Shan State of the Union of Myanmar, Thailand, Tibet and Bhutan for his solitary and serious meditation practice

Kruba BoonChum was ordained as a samenera at Wat Bandaidhammaprasit at the age of eleven on 9 May 1975. 

After the completion of his primary education, with thirty-two other boys in 1975. After a year or two, all of them returned to lay life, except Kruba Boonchum who has strong interest in meditation. After studying Buddhist scriptures for a year and having completed nak-dhamma tri, the first foundation level of formal Dhamma examinations. He wanted to keep practice the Buddha’s teaching. So, whenever given opportunity he would approach well known meditation teachers in northern Thailand and learns from them. Sometime he would meditate in the cemetery or on corpses. Unusually quiet and meditative for his age, he was often teased by other novices. But that did not deter him from going into the meditation practice deeper and seriously than any of the monasteries would offer to a young novice of his age.

Kruba BoonChum has deep belief and strong faith in The Lord Buddha and His Teachings. These aspects reflect in the way that he has been dealing with his problems since childhood and leading his life as a Buddhist monk until today. His Buddhist practices, education, propagation and support truly show his determination, persistence, strong will, patience, bravery, and devotion to Buddhism in spite of the difficulties and hardship since he was born so that he would someday get away from the rebirth cycle and finally attain nirvana.

Kruba Boonchum serious meditation practice attracted devotees who started making offerings, including money, to him. He will then donate out all the offerings to others. All locals in Chiang Saen known about it. Whenever devotees came, he would do chanting to invoke blessings of the Buddha on them and explain them the Buddha’s dhamma in simple terms. He usually talked about the admiration he had on the Buddha’s life leading to meditation on the Buddha (Buddhanussati), the Buddha’s teaching on the five precepts; the loathsome nature of the body (asubha-bhavana) and the inevitability of death (maranassati) and meditation on compassion (metta). His chanting took approximately two hours and he did so with deep concentration and a beautiful voice. His chants were all in Pali and what have been preserved in the forest meditation tradition in Lanna, Northern Thailand and in the Eastern Shan State of Burma. His style and his strong faith in chanting awakens the seed of devotion in many who hears it. 

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