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Sunday, July 26, 2015

Phra Pidta Maha Larp, LP See, Wat Tham Kao Boon Nak, BE 2517

Made by: LP See
Temple: War Tham Kao Boon Nak
Year: 2517
Material: Holy Powder
Purpose: Metta, Great Wealth, Protection. 
Conditon: New
Qty: 1 piece only 
Status: Available

Phra Pidta Maha Larp BE 2517 ( measured 1.2cm X 1.5cm) created and consercated by Luang Pu See Wat Tham Kao Boon Nak, Nakhon Sawan province who is the teacher of Luang Pu Sod, Wat Paknam.
Luang Pu See lived to a ripe old age of 127 yrs old and bestowed as Arahang of 7 holy places
Good experiences from his blessed items were widely known.
Luang Pu See is held with great esteem by guru monks such as LP Waen of Wat Doi Maepang, LP Prom of Wat Chong Kae, LP Lersi Lingdam etc. 

This small piece of  Phra Pidta are made of many sacred ingredients such:
1) 108 types of mystical herbs
2) Lotus flowers offered to Pra Sothorn at Wat Sothorn
3) Burnt powder from joss sticks offered to Somdej Puttajarn Toh Prommarangsri of Wat Rakang
4) Flowers offered to Pra Kaew (Emerald Buddha) of Wat Prakaew
5) Flowers offered to Sleeping Buddha of Wat Poh
6) Holy water and betel nuts chewed by Luang Phor See himself

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