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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Rian LP Pern, LP Pern, Wat Bang Phra, BE 2539

Made by: LP Pern
Temple: Wat Bang Phra 
Year: 2539 
Material: Thong Daeng 
Purpose: Great for Luck, Protection.  
Conditon: New with waterproof plastic casing 
Qty: 1 piece only   
Status: Available

Rian LP Koon, Wat Ban Rai, BE 2536 w/ Silver Longya Casing

Made by: LP Koon
Temple: Wat Ban Rai
Year: 2536
Material: Gelaitong; Gold Plated
Purpose: Great for Luck, Protection.
Conditon: New with Silver Longya Casing
Qty: 1 piece only
Status: Rented Out

Monday, July 27, 2015

Phra Pidta (Holy Water Batch), LP Kasem, Wat Susantrilak, BE 2536

Made by: LP Kasem
Temple: Wat Susantrilak
Year: 2536
Material:  Holy Powder; Nur Phong soaked in Holy Water
Purpose: Great for Luck, Metta, Wisdom, Effectiveness against evil and danger
Conditon: New with temple box 
Qty: 1 piece only 
Status: Available

Special batch of Phra Pidta by LP Kasem Wat Susantrilak.
Made in BE 2536 and soaked in holy water for blessing of 2 rains retreat before release in BE 2538. The takrut (written by LP Kasem) inserted below are actually metal sheets which are formed from nails which are taken out from coffins.

LP Thuad Phim M16, Ajahn Nong, Wat Sai Kow, BE 2534

Made by: Ajahn Nong
Temple: Wat Sai Kow
Year: 2537 (Ajahn Nong's 72nd birthday batch)
Material: Holy Herbs; Nur Wahn
Purpose: Great for Luck, Protection. 
Conditon: New  
Qty: 1 piece only 
Status: For Sharing

Ajahn Nong, Wat Saikow is regarded as one of the pioneers in the creation of LP Thuad amulets. LP Thuad amulets made by Ajahn Nong have been known to be as efficacious as those created by Ajahn Tim of Wat ChangHai. Ajahn Nong had been involved in the production of all batches of Phra Luang Phor Thuad from Wat ChangHai from the 1st batch in the year BE 2497 till his passing in BE 2541.

The is the famous first batch LP Thuad Phim M16 Nur Wahn, strongly blessed by Ajahn Nong in year BE 2534. This sacred LP Thuad is known as LP Thuad M16 because of this true and famous report known throughout Thailand. "It is believed to bestow on the wearer invincibility"

A driver of the truck wearing a piece of this LP Tuad M16 amulet, who was seated in the front of the truck when a group of bandits took M16 rifles and fired at him. He had miraculously survived the incident without a single bullet hurting him and yet the truck was full of bullet holes!

This batch LP Tuad M16 is made from special mixture of many kinds of sacred Holy powder, sacred herbs, plants, leaves etc

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Phra Pidta Maha Larp, LP See, Wat Tham Kao Boon Nak, BE 2517

Made by: LP See
Temple: War Tham Kao Boon Nak
Year: 2517
Material: Holy Powder
Purpose: Metta, Great Wealth, Protection. 
Conditon: New
Qty: 1 piece only 
Status: Available

Phra Pidta Maha Larp BE 2517 ( measured 1.2cm X 1.5cm) created and consercated by Luang Pu See Wat Tham Kao Boon Nak, Nakhon Sawan province who is the teacher of Luang Pu Sod, Wat Paknam.
Luang Pu See lived to a ripe old age of 127 yrs old and bestowed as Arahang of 7 holy places
Good experiences from his blessed items were widely known.
Luang Pu See is held with great esteem by guru monks such as LP Waen of Wat Doi Maepang, LP Prom of Wat Chong Kae, LP Lersi Lingdam etc. 

This small piece of  Phra Pidta are made of many sacred ingredients such:
1) 108 types of mystical herbs
2) Lotus flowers offered to Pra Sothorn at Wat Sothorn
3) Burnt powder from joss sticks offered to Somdej Puttajarn Toh Prommarangsri of Wat Rakang
4) Flowers offered to Pra Kaew (Emerald Buddha) of Wat Prakaew
5) Flowers offered to Sleeping Buddha of Wat Poh
6) Holy water and betel nuts chewed by Luang Phor See himself

Rian, LP Koon, Wat Ban Rai, BE2522

Made by: LP Koon
Temple: Wat Ban Rai
Year: 2557
Material: Thong Daeng (Holy Metal)
Purpose: Great for Luck, Protection. 
Conditon: New 
Qty: 1 piece only 
Status: For Sharing Only

Takrut Jinamanee, LP Tee, Wat HuChang, BE 2558

Made by: LP Tee 
Temple: Wat HuChang
Year: BE 2558
Material: Lead covered with Gold Foils
Purpose: Great for Luck, Protection. 
Conditon: New 
Qty: 1 piece only 
Status: Rented Out

Luang Phor Tee of Wat Huchang is one of the current great monk in Nonthanburi Province. He is currently 75 years old this year. He was born in 2483 and became a novice monk who practiced buddhism under guidance of LP Kee, the abbot of Wat Huchang. Under the guidance of LP Kee, he mastered the magical practice of consecration Bia gae using the old way stated in texts passed down.
After ordaining as a monk, LP Tee went to Wat Lahanrai to seek a higher enlightenment of Dharma and magical practice from LP Tim. He also went to study under LP Yee of Wat Sattahip to master his famous wicha of Palakit.
LP Tee is well-known for consecrating 
Phra Pidta
Bia Gae
Wealth Fetching Takrut
There was an amazing incident which is during a ceremony, the metal yant sheets written by LP Tee were supposed to be melted and mixed with the other holy metals for a batch of amulets for Wat Huchang. But the yant sheets did not melt into liquid and yet able to mixed with the other holy metals visibly.

Phra Khun Paen, Ajahn Liang, Wat Chom Ket, BE 2557

Made by: Ajahn Liang
Temple: Wat Chom Ket
Year: 2557
Material:  Holy Powder With Broken Gems & Silver Takrut;  Nur Phong
Purpose: Great for Luck, Protection. 
Conditon: New 
Qty: 1 piece only 
Status: Rented Out

Ajarn Liang, Wat Chom Ket is one of those young monks with high potential located in Ayutthaya Province. He was born in 2521, he became a novice monk and studied dharma and magical practice under the guidance of LP Tai, abbot of Wat Chom Khet. He ordained as a monk at the age of 26.
After ordaination, Ajahn Liang travelled around Autthaya to study Buddhism and practice magic practice from a few other masters.

Ajahn Liang became famous because of his powerful metta and attracts devotees naturally.
His famous wichas are Sak Yants, Jing Jok amulets and the Khun Paens that just released for rent recently in Thailand.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Phra Buddha Luang Pho Sothorn, LP Limid, Wat NenKunTong, BE 2557

Made by: LP Limid
Temple: Wat NenKunTong
Year: 2557 
Material: Thong Daeng, Holy Metal
Purpose: Great for Luck, Protection. 
Conditon: New with Temple Box
Qty: 1 piece only 
Status: Rented Out

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Phra Pidta Jumbo, LP Pae, Wat Pikuthong, BE 2531

Made by: LP Pae
Temple: Wat Pikulthong
Year: 2531
Material: Holy Powder, 108 Nur Kesorn
Purpose: Great for Luck, Protection. 
Conditon: New 
Qty: 1 piece only 
Status: For Sharing

Roop Meung LP Kasem Khemako, Wat Susantrilak, Lamang, BE 2517

Batch: Lun Far Lan
Made by: LP Kasem Khemako, Wat Susantrilak
Wat Plub Plaa 
Year: 2517
Material: Holy Powder (Nur Phong)
Purpose: Great for Luck, Protection.
Conditon: Good with plastic casing:
Qty: 1 piece only
Status: For Sharing Only

History of this batch: 

Nurphong Roop Meung BE 2517 of Luang Pu Kasem, Wat Susantrilak made and chanted in BE 2517 and donated to Wat Plub Plaa of Nontaburi. 

The abbot of Wat Plub Plaa requested LP Kasem to help with the building of main shrine and LP Kasem agreed to consecrate 3 sacred items (this is one of them) meant to be fundraisers

Preparation of this batch of amulets began in Wat Plub Plaa on 20th August BE 2517 which is to be an auspicious day chosen by LP Kasem; 5th September BE 2517 at 1939hrs to be the time to execute the consecration which LP Kasem sit in overnight meditation for the blessing (LP Kasem is known to able to stay be in a samadhi state for 100 days without food). Materials for this batch are sacred powders made with LP Kasem's recipe and the mixture of 7 holy soils from cemeteries where LP practiced meditation during his Tudong days.

A miracle happened during this consecration, several thunder strikes were observed when LP started the consecration which meant to be an auspicious sign that it is an holy batch can overcome the worst situations. The most amazing part is the people at Lamphang also witnessed these thunder strikes! (Nonthaburi and Lamphang are abt 900km apart) Thus, the natives in Lamphang named this batch as 'Lun Far Lan' as of this phenomenon. This batch was then officially let rent on 9th September BE 2517 and the funds collected were used to build the main shrine for Wat Plub Plaa and thus a meaningful batch with great baramee from LP Kasem.

Monday, July 20, 2015

King Rama V, LP Pae Wat Pikulthong, BE 2535

Image: King Rama V
Made by: LP Pae
Temple: Wat Pikulthong
Year: 2535
Material: Nur Phong, Holy Powder
Purpose: Great for Luck, Protection. 
Conditon: Good
Qty: 1 piece only 
Status: Available

Rian LP Pern Riding Tiger, Wat Bang Phra, BE 2533

Rian LP Pern Riding Tiger
Made by: LP Pern
Temple: Wat Bang Phra
Year: 2533
Material: Thong Daeng, Holy Metal (Red Copper)
Purpose: Great for Luck, Protection. 
Conditon: New 
Qty: 1 piece only 
Status: For Sharing

Luang Phor Pern, Wat Bang Phra, Nakon Pathom

Wat Bangphra (located in a province at the North west Central Thailand called Nakon Pathom since BE2220). 

Luang Phor Pern was one of the most famous abbot of Wat Bangphra. 
Luang Phor Pern was born in BE2466 at Nakon Pathom. His parents worked as farmers and he had 7 elder siblings. Luang Phor Pern entered his monkhood life very early, in a temple which located in a Suphan Buri province. During that time, he followed a senior monk, Luang Phor Leng for Buddhism studies. 

In BE2491, Luang Phor Pern left Luang Phor Leng and went to Wat Bangphra to learn from the abbot, Luang Phor Him so as to further his studies. Afterwards, Luang phor Pern spent another 9 years in Tudong to further his practice on Buddhism. Luang Phor Pern had been working in two different temples prior succeeding as the abbot of Wat Bangphra after Luang Phor Him passed. 

When he was the abbot of Wat Bangphra, he made amulets for the people and did sak yant wicha on the body of his devotees. 

As time went by, more and more miracles happened on the devotees who wore the amulets made by Luang Phor Pern, he became famous. Luang Phor Pern passed away in BE2545 at the age of 79. 

Rian LP Koon, Wat Ban Rai, BE 2556 (with Serial Number and Chop)

Made by: LP Koon
Temple: Wat Ban Rai, Nakhon Ratchasima
Year: 2556
Material: Thong Daeng, Holy Metal
Purpose: Great for Luck, Protection. 
Conditon: New 
Qty: 1 piece only 
Status: Rented Out

Rian Ajahn Uthai, Wat Wihansoon (Patthalung Province), BE 2557

Self-image Rian, Ajahn Uthai, with Serial Number: 1138 and Temple Code
Made by: Phra Ajahn Uthai
Temple: Wat Wikahansoon
Year:  2557
Material: Thong Deang, Holy Metal
Purpose: Great for Luck, Protection. 
Conditon: New with Temple Box
Qty: 1 piece only 
Status: Available

Phra Ajahn Uthai, Wat WikHanSoon, Patthalung Province

Ajahn Uthai, Wat WikHanSoon, Patthalung Province. 
Ajahn Uthai has been studying on the art of making efficacious Phra Pidta and Takruts and is famous for his wicha and well known among local devotees and overseas devotees. He has learnt dhamma practice and wicha from his masters LP Pan, LP Phom, LP Parn, LP Sean and others. 
Ajarn Uthai is also famous among the Malaysians for his powerful takruts. 

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Phra Phrom (Four Faced Buddha), Nakhon Si Thammarat, BE 2557

*Nur Nawa Phra Phrom Maha Metta Rab Chositi  San Cea Phra Seu Meu Nakhon Si Thammarat April 27, 2557*

Made by: Mass Chanted
Temple: Phra Phrom Temple in Nakhon Si Thammarat
Year: 2557
Material: Nur Nawa
Purpose: Great for Luck, Protection. 
Conditon: New with Temple Box 
Qty: 1 piece only 
Status: Available

Friday, July 17, 2015

5 x Phra Pidta Set (Gold, Silver, Copper Mask), LP Koon, Wat Ban Rai, BE 2537

Made by: LP Koon
Temple: Wat Ban Rai
Year: 2537
Material: Holy Powder
Purpose: Great for Luck, Protection. 
Conditon: New with Temple Box
Status: Rented Out

Phra Somdej 5 Pan, LP Pae, Wat Pikulthong, BE 2534

Made by: LP Pae
Temple: Wat Pikulthong
Year: 2534
Material: 108 Nur Kersorn (Flower Powder
Purpose: Great for Luck, Protection.
Conditon: New
Qty: 1 piece only
Status: Available

Roop Lor LP Thuad, Wat Chang Hai, BE 2545

*Mini Size*
Made by: Mass Chanted
Temple: Wat Chang Hai
Year: 2545
Material: Gold Plated, Gelaithong 
Purpose: Great for Luck, Protection. 
Conditon: New with Casing:
Qty: 1 piece only 
Status: Available

Rian LP Tuad (Santisuk batch), LP Chin, Wat Muang, Yala Province, BE2552

Made by: LP Chin Chotigo
(LP Chin is the last living member of the original LPT 2497 chanting team)
Temple: Wat Mueng, Yala Province
Year: 2552
Material: Copper
Purpose: Great for Luck, Protection, Smooth Sailing. 
Conditon: New with Temple Box 
Qty: 1 piece only  
Status: Available

Phra Buddha Luang Pho Phra Sai, Phim Yai Gold Leaved, Wat Pho Chai, BE 2552

Phra Buddha LP Phra Sai, Phim Yai Bad Tong (Large Phim size with gold leaf)Made by: Mass Chanted ('Baramee Por' edition Puttapisek Empowerment Ceremony)
Batch: Roon "Baramee Por" Phim Pisek
Temple: Wat Pho Chai
Year: 2552
Material: Holy Powder
Purpose: Great for Luck, Protection. 
Condition: New with Temple Box
Qty: 1 piece only 
Status: Available

Somdej Phrok Po Chinabanchorn Jumbo, Wat Rakang, BE 2555

Somdej Phrok Po Chinabanchorn (Jumbo Size)
Size: 6 cm x 4 cm
Made by: Mass Chanted
Temple: Wat Rakang
Year: 2555
Material: Holy Powder
Purpose: Great for Luck, Protection. 
Conditon: New 
Qty: 1 piece only 
Status: Available

Phra Pidta, 690th Anniversary, Wat Phanan Choeng, BE2557

Made by: Mass Chanted
Batch: 690th Anniversary
Temple: Wat Phanan Choeng
Year: 2557
Material: Holy Powder
Purpose: Great for Luck, Protection. 
Conditon: New with Temple Box
Qty: 1 piece only 
Status: Available

Phra Pidta Malalarp (Ruay Mai Lueak), Wat Phanan Cheong, BE 2540

Made by: Mass Chanted
Batch: Ruay Mai Lueak
Temple: Wat Phanan Choeng
Year: 2540
Material: Holy Powder
Purpose: Great for Luck, Protection. 
Conditon: New with Temple Box
Qty: 1 piece only 
Status: Available

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Somdej Chinabanchon, BE 2536, LP Pae, Wat Pikulthong

Made by: LP Pae
Temple: Wat Pikulthong
Batch: Chinabanchon
Year: 2536
Material: Holy Powder
Purpose: Great for Luck, Protection.
Conditon: New
Qty: 1 piece only
Status: Available

Phra Luang Pho Tho / Sam Bao Gong, BE 2555, Wat Phanan Choeng

Made by: Mass Chanted
Temple: Wat Phanan Choeng

Batch: 688th Anniversary
Year: 2555
Material: Holy Powder
Purpose: Great for Luck, Protection.
Conditon: New with Temple Box
Qty: 1 piece only
Status: Available

Phra Somdej - Kanon 2534 , LP Pae, Wat Pikulthong

Made by: LP Pae
Batch: LP Pae 87 Years Old (with real gold takrut)
Temple: Wat Pikulthong
Year: 2534
Material: Holy Powder, Real gold takrut
Purpose: Great for Luck, Protection.
Conditon: New
Qty: 1 piece only
Status: For Sharing

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Lok Om Hanuman, LP Poon, Wat Pai Lom

Made by: LP Poon
Temple: Wat Pailom
Year: 254x
Material: Thong Daeng
Purpose: Great for Luck, Protection. 
Conditon: New with Temple Box
Qty: 1 piece only 
Status: Rented Out

Phra Somdej Hin Phra Tat (001), Khao Sam Roi Yod, Prachuab Kirikhan

Made by: Khao Sam Roi Yod, Prachuab Kirikhan
Year: 2555
Material:Stone Relic , 
Purpose: Excellent for boosting luck, metta, health and protection from all danger
Conditon: New
Casing: Stainless Steel
Qty: 1 piece only
Status: Rented Out

This is a piece stone relic Somdej with many clear halo designs in front and raw relics that can be seen behind. These amulets and buchas are carved out of the sacred stone relics of Khao Sam Roi Yod mountain in Prachuab province. They possess powerful holy energy even without being blessed. It also very good for focusing the mind during meditation.

Rian LP Koon (Tawee Koon), Wat Ban Rai 2547

Made by: LP Koon
Batch : Tawee Koon ( Abuandance)
Temple: Wat Ban Rai
Year: 2547
Material: Nur Thong Daeng
Purpose: Great for Luck, Protection.
Conditon: New
Status: Rented Out

Phra Somdej - Arahang, Wat Mahathat 2556

Made by: Mass Chanted
Temple: Wat Mahathat
Year: 2556  
Material: Holy Powder   
Purpose: Great for Luck, Protection. 
Conditon: New 
Qty: 1 piece only 
Status: Available

LP Pae Yodnam 2534, Wat Pikulthong with DD-pra Cert

Made by: LP Pae
Temple: Wat PikulthongYear: 2534
Material: Holy Powder
Purpose: Great for Luck, Protection. 
Conditon: New 
Qty: 1 piece only 
Status:  For Sharing

Phra Somdej Wat Rakang 2555

Made by: Mass Chanted
Temple: Wat Rakang
Year: 2555
Material: Holy Powder
Purpose: Great for Luck, Protection. 
Conditon: New with Temple Box
Qty: 1 piece only 
Status: Available

Phra Somdej Wat Rakang 2552

Made by: Mass Chanted
Temple: Wat Rakang
Year: 2552
Material: Holy Powder
Purpose: Great for Luck, Protection. 
Conditon: New with Temple Box
Qty: 1 piece only 
Status: Available

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Phra Kruba Boonchum Yannasangvaro, Wat Thong Nen (Chiang Rai)

Kruba BoonChum was born in year BE2508 of Jan 5 at Mooban Maekamnongbua Tambon maekam Ampur Maejun, Chiang Rai. He is a forest meditation monk, well known since the age of thirteen to a great numbers of devotees in Laos, Sipsongbanna of Yunnan Province in China, Shan State of the Union of Myanmar, Thailand, Tibet and Bhutan for his solitary and serious meditation practice

Kruba BoonChum was ordained as a samenera at Wat Bandaidhammaprasit at the age of eleven on 9 May 1975. 

After the completion of his primary education, with thirty-two other boys in 1975. After a year or two, all of them returned to lay life, except Kruba Boonchum who has strong interest in meditation. After studying Buddhist scriptures for a year and having completed nak-dhamma tri, the first foundation level of formal Dhamma examinations. He wanted to keep practice the Buddha’s teaching. So, whenever given opportunity he would approach well known meditation teachers in northern Thailand and learns from them. Sometime he would meditate in the cemetery or on corpses. Unusually quiet and meditative for his age, he was often teased by other novices. But that did not deter him from going into the meditation practice deeper and seriously than any of the monasteries would offer to a young novice of his age.

Kruba BoonChum has deep belief and strong faith in The Lord Buddha and His Teachings. These aspects reflect in the way that he has been dealing with his problems since childhood and leading his life as a Buddhist monk until today. His Buddhist practices, education, propagation and support truly show his determination, persistence, strong will, patience, bravery, and devotion to Buddhism in spite of the difficulties and hardship since he was born so that he would someday get away from the rebirth cycle and finally attain nirvana.

Kruba Boonchum serious meditation practice attracted devotees who started making offerings, including money, to him. He will then donate out all the offerings to others. All locals in Chiang Saen known about it. Whenever devotees came, he would do chanting to invoke blessings of the Buddha on them and explain them the Buddha’s dhamma in simple terms. He usually talked about the admiration he had on the Buddha’s life leading to meditation on the Buddha (Buddhanussati), the Buddha’s teaching on the five precepts; the loathsome nature of the body (asubha-bhavana) and the inevitability of death (maranassati) and meditation on compassion (metta). His chanting took approximately two hours and he did so with deep concentration and a beautiful voice. His chants were all in Pali and what have been preserved in the forest meditation tradition in Lanna, Northern Thailand and in the Eastern Shan State of Burma. His style and his strong faith in chanting awakens the seed of devotion in many who hears it. 

Luang Phor Koon Paritsuttho, Wat Ban Rai (Nakhon Ratchasima Province)

Luang Phor Koon (LP Koon) was born on 4th day of October in 1923 (B.E.2466) in a small village called Ban Rai, Dan Khun Thod District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province (It is also commonly known as Korat). LP Koon was the eldest son and had two younger sisters. His mother died when he was at the age of 11. LP Koon was then taken care by his aunties. Not so long after his mother death, his father remarried and LP Koon was sent to Wat Ban Rai to study Buddhism. During the day, he helped his father to plough the field, fed and bathed the buffalo, At night, he went to the temple to study and help to clean up the temple during his spare time.

When LP Koon was at the age of 20, his auntie and relatives gave's some money and sent him to Wat Thanon HatYai. LP Koon was ordained as a monk at the age of 21 at Wat Thanon HatYai on May in 1944 ( B.E.2487). Phra Kru Wijahn Dtigit was the preceptor and Phra Kru Atigahn Torng Suk was his dhamma teacher. His monk's name is called Paritsuttoh. During the year, at the summer observation vacation, he went to Wat Nongpho to learn meditation under the master Luang Phor Daeng (LP Daeng), and further his studies on Buddhist knowledge.

After several years, through his exceptional intelligence, he had studied almost everything from LP Daeng, such as Dhamma, Samadhi and Wichah (magic). Then LP Daeng told him. You have now acquired a firm foundation against basic meditation and the Sanskrit language, and it is time for you to seek for other renowned master to further your knowledge.

He introduced a high ranking monk to LP Koon known as Luang Phor Khang (LP Khang). When LP Khang met LP Koon he could immediately tell that LP Koon was a very unusual monk and will have a bright future ahead and accepted him as his disciple.

LP Koon learnt to cultivate Buddhist practice as well as all forms of spiritual powers from LP Khang. In the course of his studies, he had to climb over mountains and enter the forest to practice the spiritual powers on remote mountain peaks. Three years went by, when LP Koon had learnt up everything, he left his master LP Khang and decided to go on his own to fulfill the Buddhism faith and help the needy. Wherever he goes he was well respected monk by the villagers.
LP Kong was a Phra Thudong monk (a forest monk) while he went Thudong (forest dwelling) he will brought LP Koon along. Besides Dhamma and Samadhi, LP Kong also taught LP Koon Wichah (magic) on inserting takrut. After learning from LP Kong for some time, LP Koon went Thudong alone. He went as far as Laos and Cambodia. He stayed in the deep forests of Laos and Cambodia for many years.

One day when LP Koon went Tudong and reached a mountain border between Thailand and Laos, the mountain area was very strange and surrounded with unusual weird looking trees. On that evening, several woodcutters were seen rushing down the mountain. LP Koon enquired about it and come to know that the mountain was previously a Kingdom. Due to the fact that many had died there, a lot of grievance spirits roam out at night to cause harm and disturbances to the villagers. All the villagers were in fear and nobody dare to enter or stay on the mountain in the night.

The woodcutters advised LP Koon to leave the mountain as many monks had encountered misfortunes. LP Koon replied, Since there are many grievance spirits in the mountain, as a monk I have an obligation to help them and hope to take them out from their realms of suffering. The woodcutters remain silent and thought that they would have to return the next day to collect his dead body.

The crying sound became louder as the wind blows stronger. At that time, LP Koon keep on chanting mantras and suddenly a bright yellow light come down and enshrined his tent. The surrounding trees were swaying heavily from side to side and it seen to wind up the tent of LP Koon. Even the trees that were about to fall on his tent are expelled by the yellow light. LP Koon keep on concentrate with meditation inside the tent.

The evil windstorm stop eventually, many trees was felled but LP Koon remained unhurt. The evil spirit was dissatisfied with LP Koon and wondered why this yellow robe guy could not be so hurt. LP Koon then used his spiritual power and talk to the spirits, I’m here for you and I wanted to help you relieve from suffering in human world.

Suddenly there were a large number of ghost rising up and stand in front of LP Koon. Among them is the King of ghosts in the mountain. When the ghost King saw LP Koon he knelt down before him. Than the King was asked by LP Koon, why he had not taken a reincarnation and the ghost King replied that the mountain was once a Royal Kingdom and he was the King. The people of the Kingdom lived a peaceful and a happy life. It happened one day, the whole Kingdom was infected with contagious disease, all the villagers are killed by the infectious disease causing the death of hundreds of thousands that spread to them. Due to the fact that were a treasured been passed down by the ancestors, the spirits were there to kept guard over the treasured by prohibited any outsiders from taking away. Anybody who come to the mountain will be die or punished eventually.

After LP Koon heard the conclusion of the whole matter, he advised on the Buddhist philosophy to convince the ghost and said, Since everybody had died and the body in the physical form had perished, all the treasures were of no use anymore as they cannot be worn. What is the use of possessing them? Moreover, you all have killed so many people especially those in yellow robe who were observing the precepts, how long will the revenge end? Put off the evil thoughts and embrace Buddha! All of you must know that birth, aging, sickness and death are the cosmic law of Samsara and everybody has to face such a law and no one can avoid, not even the Buddha himself. All of you will have to suffer from the effect of Samsara and the retribution for all the evil deeds caused and can never take reincarnation if evil acts are continued. Is it worthwhile?

The ghost King kept silence and asked LP Koon, Do we have the chance to repent? LP Koon answer, Of course, previously you have done so much evil deeds harmed and killed many innocent people, although you repent now, all of you should also face the retribution for your past misdeeds as everyone is equal under the concept of karma. The good deeds will be rewarded and the wrongdoings will be punished. All of you will suffer the retribution of Samsara and will be born in the animal realm in the next life.

The ghost King was so touched and impressed with LP Koon words. He offered three bows to LP Koon in appreciation and said with sincerity: We hope that LP Koon will help us from the ghosts realm to attain the fruit of Buddhahood. We are not afraid to be rebirth in the animal realm. LP Koon put his palms together and chanted prayers on deliverance. The chanted prayers were able to clear all the cycle of Samsara. From then on, the mountain returned to its quite and peaceful state. The villagers began to enter the mountain for cutting wood and plough lands.

During the rainy season, LP Koon will stayed in any of the temple near town to Khow Pansah (rainy season for a monk to stay indoors), if he was still in the forest, he would stay in the forest and continue his Thudong. As time goes by, LP Koon returned back to Thailand after several decades of Thudong. LP Koon returned to his village to visit his grandmother, his grandmother said to him, You are always out to dedicate the Buddhist faith, why don’t you consider developing a temple in our own village? The temple in the village is in bad condition and so run-down and the monk’s here do not have a decent place to chant their prayers. With the advice given by his grandmother, LP Koon decided to stay back and determine to develop and rebuild the temple in his village.

LP Koon than found a suitable area and used his umbrella to set up a tent. After a process of purification, he started to meditate and chant prayers inside his tent. In the middle of the night, a strange wind occurred and in the course of it, he than heard a voice crying in the wilderness and the sound is getting nearer and nearer to him. Later he heard a voice speaking to him, LP Koon listened and heard the grievance spirit said,Hey! Here you come again, the guy in yellow robe. You are so daring. You do not know how many of these guys with yellow robe had died here. You will experience death in a little while. Ha-ha-ha-ha.

LP Koon, then asked the villagers and his lay disciples to source for fund for the construction of the temple. At that time, when peoples know that LP Koon is constructing a the temple, many devotees around every corner come forward to helped. When the temple was almost completed, LP Koon cast a lot of amulets and offered as a gifts to all devotees who had helped. LP Koon is one of the most famous and top guru monks in Thailand. For almost two decades, LP Koon chanted mystical incantation and inserted Takrut for devotees. LP Koon is very good in the Visha (magic) of inserting Takrut. He would personally insert the Takrut into the arm of the devotees, these Takrut are very well proven to protect a person from accidents, Metta (kindess) and as well as Kong Grapan (immunity from weapons).

LP Koon, then asked the villagers and his lay disciples to source for fund for the construction of the temple. At that time, when peoples know that LP Koon is constructing a new temple, many devotees around every corner come forward to helped. When the temple was almost completed, LP Koon cast a lot of amulets and offered as a gifts to all devotees who had helped. LP Koon is one of the most famous and top guru monks in Thailand. For almost two decades, LP Koon chanted mystical incantation and inserted Takrut for devotees. LP Koon is very good in the Visha (magic) of inserting Takrut. He would personally insert the Takrut into the arm of the devotees, these Takrut are very well proven to protect a person from accidents, Metta (kindess) and as well as Kong Grapan (immunity from weapons).

LP Koon had stopped inserting takrut to devotees for many years due to his old age, at the present time, one of his closest disciples have replaced him.

LP Koon passed away in 16th May 2015 (BE 2558)

Monday, July 13, 2015

Roop Lor LP Kasem Khemako, Wat Susantrilak, BE 2538

Made by: LP Kasem Khemako
Temple: Wat Susantrilak
Year: 2538

Conditon: New in Temple Box
Qty: 1 piece only

Status: For Sharing