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Monday, May 14, 2012

Phra Pikanet Lun Chindamanee Lom Far (Full Collection)

Phra Pikanet Lun Chindamanee Lom Far (Full Collection)

Material : Left to Right

Alpaka, Silver, Nur Nawak, Thongdaeng


Phra Pikanet Lun Chindamanee Lom Far By Grand Master Keow Manee

Phra Pikanet Lun Chindamanee Lom Far

By: Grandmaster Ajarn Keow, lineage of legendary Sakyant Master Phor Thiang
Year: B.E.2555
Material: Holy metal

Chindamanee means gold, silver, bronze, copper etc meaning precious objects.
Lom Far means direct shaded by the sky (which explains why the top part of the Phra Pikanet is open). Meaning to receive gd things & with help gain direct from above to helps us to do things smoothly.
Renting is available at Nirvana Stupa.

Phaya Krut aka Garuda By Grand Master Keow Manee


Phaya Krut aka Garuda By Grand Master Keow Manee

Material: Mixed alloy - gold, silver, copper etc.
On 13th May, a good day for consercation so that every piece will be 'radiated' with katha to make them alive.

Phaya Krut aka Garuda is one of the powerful deity which is on parred with Phra Narai aka Vishnu. 7 days & nights of fight ending with a draw. Later Phaya Krut became a great companion to Phra Narai.

Renting of amulet is availabe at Nirvana Stupa 

Hanuman Phayant By LP Hong

A closer look that the Hanuman on Singha, surronded by Rahus~

For Sharing Only